The Art-City-Space is a public sculpture garden located outside the Museum of Modern Art in Berlin, the Berlinische Galerie.
The space supports various works of art including the two visible in the adjacent photograph. The sculpture in the photograph is called ‘Trinity’ (Dreiheit) and was created in 1993 by Martin Matschinsky and Brigitte Matschinsky-Denninghoff. This abstract sculpture is made of nickle-chromium steel rods welded together and stands 6 meters tall. The sculpture appears to break the weight of gravity and reflects various colours in the changing light.
The ‘Yellow Field of Letters’ is a piece created by the architects Kühn Malvezzi in 2003-4. The letters spell out the names of the one hundred and sixty artists showing in the Berlinische Galerie. The long continuous layout of letters make it difficult to define each artists’ name. Depending on where the viewer is standing they can read the letters in various directions and patterns, which may often produce nonsense. This is an homage to the museum’s collection of 1920s Berlin Dadaism.
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A competition led to two proposals being implemented in the redesign of the of the exterior of the museum. The first of these was a proposal by artist Fritz Balthaus called ‘Marked Space – Unmarked space’, which dealt with the physical appearance of the facade of the museum. The second proposal called ‘The Marking of The Glass Warehouse’ was made by the architects Kühn Malvezzi, which dealt with the public space in front of the museum. Not only did they produce the ‘Yellow Field of Letters’ but also the benches and tress in the forecourt.