The Church of Our Lady before Týn is located in the Old Town Square in Prague.
Its name derives from the Tyn courtyard beside which the church was constructed. Founded in 1385, on the site of a Romanesque church, the Tyn Church is an example of the Gothic style and houses a Baroque interior. The church is articulated with two 80 meter tall towers, each adorned with four spires. Upon closer inspection, the two towers of the church are not symmetrical. One tower represents masculinity in its broad shape, while the more slender tower represents femininity. The church was once run by Hussites and the exterior decoration of the church included their symbolic golden chalice. The church was recatholicised during the counter reformation and a figure of Mary was constructed on the exterior of the church. Mary was adorned with a golden halo, which was created by melting down the Hussite chalice.
Did you know?:
The Tyn Church is believed to be one of the real life buildings which inspired Walt Disney in his creation of Cinderella’s Castle.
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